Theses images represent a speculative idea about the possible evolution of Ukraine's national symbol, the tryzub. The image on the left is from a Scythian artifact (Scythian pectoral) that has been dated to around the 4th century BCE. The next image is that of a Khazar pendant. The tryzub like Khazar tamga has already been previously shown. The Khazars were in Ukraine from the 5th-11th century. It is known the trident was then used as a symbol of tribal leadership.
Chrologically next in this sequence of tryzubs would be the tryzub of Kievan Rus’s prince, Volodymyr the Great. We already have seen a great many examples of his symbol. The next tryzub shown is that of his son, Ukrainian prince, Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054).
The tryzub continued to be used in one form or another by other lesser known Ukrainian princes and other closely related but non Ukrainian people, but it was not until 1917 when it became well known again as the symbol of the UNR (Ukrainian National Republic). Finally in 1992 the tryzub was officially declared to be the official lesser Coat_of_arms of Ukraine. The real evolution of the Ukrainian tryzub may never be fully discovered.